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  • 輸入優惠碼 FPS95,以FPS付款即享全單95折優惠,詳情參閱How to Shop
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How To Shop


1) 將心水貨品加進購物車
2) 於”VIEW CART”頁面結帳時於”USE COUPON CODE”輸入相對優惠碼及按”APPLY COUPON”,銀碼會即時更新,請檢查清楚無誤

1) 訂單以FPS付款可享有5%折扣優惠
2) 只適用於Eco Ring 網店,其他平台不適用
3) 只適用於FPS付款,不適用於任何其他付款方法,客人請自行確認支付工具會否產生手續費,所有相關手續費需客人負擔
4) 不能與其他優惠同時使用
5) 只適用於定價貨品及限時減價優惠貨品使用不可使用於運費及拍賣貨品及只限FPS轉數快付款貨品,本公司一概不負責亦不會就客人使用錯誤而取消訂單或退回差額,敬請檢查清楚無誤
6) 本公司不接受於下單後要求更改付款方法
7) 客人確認購買並完成付款程序,即代表同意購物條款。有需要請先參閱HOW TO SHOP TERMS & CONDITIONS
8) Eco Ring 保留對條款一切修改權利而不作另行通知,並對條款作最終解釋。如有任何不合理的要求,本公司會保留追究權利並將帳戶列入黑名單
9) 沒有輸入優惠碼而直接於CHECKOUT 輸入資料,貨價不會自動更新為折扣價。此情況不接受取消訂單或退回差價
10) 如需要享有順豐包郵(只限香港澳門),將以折後價為準
11) [
2023.12.06更新] 貨品會於確認入數後3個工作天內寄出

Starting from 5 Dec 2023, new promotion is launched.  Details:
1) Add relevant goods to Shopping Cart
2) In “VIEW CART” page, enter relevant promo code in “USE COUPON CODE” then press “APPLY COUPON”, the discounted price will be updated, kindly check if the price is accurate before checkout.
Coupon codeFPS95

Terms & Conditions:
1) Promo code can only be applied for FPS payment for 5% off
2) Promo code can only be used on Eco Ring online store
3) Only applicable for FPS payment. Not applicable on other payment method. Customers please confirm if there is any bank charges by the payment tool and all related charges are bear by customers
4) Promo code cannot be used together with other promotion
5) Promo code can only be used on DIRECT PURCHASE ITEMS and LIMITED TIME OFFER ITEMS (AUCTION ITEMS and FPS ONLY ITEMS are excluded), cannot be used on shipping fee. For misapplication, we will not be responsible for order cancellation or refund the difference, kindly check if the price is accurate before checkout
6) We will not accept changing of the payment method after order placed
7) Once you place order and complete payment, that means you agree our terms and conditions. For details, please refer to HOW TO SHOP and TERMS AND CONDITIONS on our online store
8) Eco Ring reserve the right to edit conditions without further notice, and reserve the right of final explanation. In case of any unreasonable requirements, we reserve the right to pursue and blacklisting the relevant account
9) No promo code entered then directly proceed to CHECKOUT will not be refreshed to discounted price automatically. In this situation, requests of cancel orders or refund the difference
10) Enjoy SF free local delivery for $500 or above after discount
11) Order will be delivered within 3 days after the confirmation of deposit 

[2023.07.25 新設服務] 會員限定睇貨服務



1) 只接受一個工作天前(下午4時前)的預約並保留貨品。本公司不保證貨品在睇貨前售出。






*遲到5分鐘而無何通知,恕不招待。有可能不再接受睇貨預約。 *



1) 網店「指定種類貨品」,只限手袋、小皮具、配飾(配飾定義:頸鏈、戒指、手鏈、耳環、皮帶)

2) 接受限期一年內的網店售出的貨品回收,限期為網店訂單建立日起計算,活動20221024日起生效,意即客人20211023日起購買的符合條件貨品均能於一年內享有保證收購價,價錢以折後價(即扣除優惠折扣、積分、朋友介紹回贈等優惠)為準

3) 鑑定士收貨時會根據網店資料作對比

3.1) 經判斷後為同Rank的話:

Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Chanel 8

Celine, Gucci, Valentino, Dior,Balenciaga, Fendi, Saint Laurent, Loewe, Godard 7


3.2) 每降一個Rank 1

3.3) 原本網店為Rank B以下不提供保證收購價(包括但不限於Rank C,只能作一般放售處理

3.4) 賣出後貨品狀態有嚴重破損、或損耗程度影響使用,一律不提供保證收購

3.5) 若賣出時有附件,需於放售時同時提供所有附件,才能享有保證收購價。附件有欠缺,回收價會酌量扣減


· 網店於20211231日出售的Rank A Chanel手袋,價錢為$10,000


情境1: 經判斷後為Rank A,保證收購價為$8,000

情境2: 經判斷後為Rank B,即降了兩個Rank,保證收購價為$6,000

情境3: 經判斷後,手袋有嚴重花痕及四角有明顯破損,只會提供一般收購服務

4) 必須出示Eco Ring 網店發票正本/網上版,清楚顯示訂單日子及價錢

5) Rank的判斷由鑑定士決定,不得異議


7Eco Ring保留最終對條款解釋及決定交易與否的一切權利,條款有可能修改而不作另行通知

1) 貨品的描述及相片
     Description and photos of uploaded items

-       所有出售貨品均經Eco Ring HK專業鑑定士鑑定及評級,具正貨保證。
       All items sold are appraised by Eco Ring HK professional appraisers and guaranteed to be authentic.

-       Eco Ring HK盡力確保刊登的貨品描述為正確及完整,大部分貨品為二手,貨品上的瑕疵位置盡量以圖片或文字表達,如對貨品的描述用字有任何疑問,請於下單前先向本公司查詢,以免產生退貨問題。產品描述全為主觀感覺,本公司不接受任何對於描述用字之投訴和退貨。Eco Ring HK採用自行的評級表示方式:
         Eco Ring HK tries our best to confirm descriptions are correct and completed. Most of the items are second hand and defect parts tried to express by photos and words.  If there is any questions about the description wordings, please feel free to consult Eco Ring HK before placing orders in order to avoid return issue.  Description is based on subjective judgement and Eco Ring does not accept any return requests due to the interpretation of description.  Eco Ring HK has its own ranking expression:


New (全新貨品 New)


95%-99% (接近新品 Almost new)


90%-95% (輕微使用痕跡 Less used feeling)


85%-90% (有些許使用痕跡A little feeling of use)


80%-85% (明顯使用過的痕跡及污漬 Apparently used feeling and dirt)


70%-80% (有使用了一段時間的痕跡及污漬 A feeling of used for a long time and obvious dirty)


60%-70% (有十分明顯的痕跡及污漬 Very obvious feeling of use and dirt)


-       等級為Junk的貨品代表已損壞、不能正常使用、或不能保證能維修。
        Rank Junk means items are broken, cannot function normally or may not be repair.

-       相片均為Eco Ring HK人手真實拍攝,會因不同的顯示屏有色差,與實物的顏色和質感或會有所差異。
         All photos are taken by Eco Ring HK manually and may have chromatic aberration due to different monitors. There is discrepancy of the color and texture with the actual items.

-       所有尺寸及重量以Eco Ring HK量度工具為準。所有尺寸均是人手量度,會有正負1cm的誤差。
         All measurements and weight are based on the tools of Eco Ring HK.  All measurements are measured manually and there is +/- 1cm discrepancy.

-       每天新貨上架時間不定,而成功上載的每件貨品的庫存都是獨一無二,只此一件,同時有可能於其他平台出售,以先付先得決定成功購買者,時間以Eco Ring HK網店及其他平台系統為準。Eco Ring會盡力確保於其他平台已售的貨品會即時在網店下架,但在辦公時間外有可能會有所延遲,若有顧客以PayPal購入該貨品,Eco Ring將會不扣除付款手續費直接退回貨款於顧客。

         Upload times of new products are different and each has only one item. Items may be sold in other platforms at the same time and are sold to customers who pay first decided by the system time of eShop and other platforms.  Eco Ring will try all the best to make sure items sold in other platforms are removed from the eShop but there may be delay after business hours.  If there is customers pay for the item by PayPal sold in other platform, Eco Ring will directly return the whole payment (without deducted any charges) to customers.

-       不同品牌出品的服飾各有不同的尺寸準則,亦有不同的設計概念,請自行向相關品牌查詢或親身到品牌專門店確認。
         Apparel of different brands have their own size guide and concept of design. Please confirm with the related stores or try the exact products in the stores of related brands.

-       不設以任何聯絡方式代保留上架中的貨品,或代出價。
         Eco Ring HK does not accept reserve or bid for customers by any contact methods.

-       拍賣模式中,下標後貨品不設議價,如對上架中的貨品價格有疑問,請先聯絡Eco Ring HK查詢。
         In auction sales, no negotiation if bid is offered. If customers have any questions for the uploaded items, please contact Eco Ring HK in advance.

-       如有爭議,Eco Ring HK保留最終決定權。
         All matters and disputes are subjected to final decision of Eco Ring HK.

(2) 登記會員
      Registration of members

*Customers need to login their account for paying*

1)     按頁面的右上角”LOGIN”以顯示清單,揀選”REGISTER”
    Click the "LOGIN" on right upper corner to display list and click "REGISTER". 

2)     為確保每人一帳戶,提供公平的競價及購物環境,Eco Ring網店的會員登記會採用電話驗證,一經登記,即時開通購物!登記步驟請參看以下圖片。
溫馨提示:Step 5 獲取電話驗證碼需先按右邊的”Get SMS Code”
        To make sure one person one account and provide a fair bidding and shopping environment, SMS verification is adopted for account registration.  Once registered, customers can enjoy shopping immediately!  Please refer to the below picture for the registration steps.
Warm reminder: customers need to click the right-hand side “Get SMS Code” button for Step 5 Obtaining phone verification code

顧客可參閱PRIVACY POLICY以了解個人資料保護政策,請記得剔選已閱讀個人資料保護政策的方格
Customers can refer to PRIVACY POLICY for the personal data protection policy.  Please tick "Personal data protection policy is read" box to proceed.

請留意,在電腦網頁輸入verification code時,請將輸入法轉成ZH,因用中文或其他語言的輸入法輸入verification code會出現error提示
When customers input the verification code in computer browser, please change the input method to ZH because there may be error message for using Chinese or other languages to enter verification code.

(3) 關於購物
      About shopping

-       Eco Ring HK出售的大部分為二手貨品,無可避免會有使用及擺放痕跡,購買前請先細閱文字描述及實物拍攝的圖片,請留意,除特殊原因外,出售的貨品均不接受退貨、換貨及取消 (關於退貨詳情,請細閱讀 (6) 關於退貨)
        Most of items sold by Eco Ring HK are second hand and it is inevasible to have feeling of use and place. Please read the description and photos of the actual items carefully. Except for special reasons, return, exchange and cancellation are not accepted for sold items.  (Please refer to (6) About return for more details)

-       當顧客輸入送貨及付款資料,並提交訂單後,Eco Ring HK會向您發出電郵確認訂單
        When customers enter the delivery and payment information and send out the orders, Eco Ring HK will send a confirmation email to you.

-       Eco Ring HK提供以下三種購物方式:
        Eco Ring HK provides the following 3 ways of shopping:

a) 定價購物:
    Direct sales:

-       貨品會以定價出售,請勿聯絡致電或文字訊息議價,Eco Ring HK不會回覆此類查詢
         Items are sold by the marked price and please negotiate by any contact methods. Eco Ring HK will not reply to price negotiation.

-       定價貨品會用此方式顯示:
         Items of direct sales are displayed as below:

-       先將貨品加入購物車,之後登錄帳號以輸入送貨資料及付款
        Add items interested in shopping cart and then login to enter delivery information and settle payment.

b) 拍賣:

-       貨品會以HKD1或某定價起標,部分貨品的每口價會多於HKD1,拍賣期間為5天,以價高者得方式出售
         Items are start by HKD1 or a minimum price. Each bid may be more than HKD1 for some items. Auction periods are 5 days. Items are sold to customers who offer the highest price.

-       拍賣貨品會有自動延長及非自動延長的設定,非自動延長貨品會在出品中標明,沒有標明即為自動延長。若為自動延長貨品,於拍賣完結前1分鐘有顧客下標,貨品會自動延長1分鐘,當再沒有新下標及倒數完結時,拍賣就會結束。
         There are setting of auto extension and non-auto extension. Non-auto extension will be marked in the description. If no, that means auto extension.  If it is auto extended item, 
when there is an auction at 1 minute before the "End Time" and will automatically delay by 1 minute.  Auction will end when there is no more new bidding and the countdown is over.

-       顧客可以直接下標或先把心水貨品加入WISH LIST留待之後下標
         Customers can make offer directly or put the interested items in WISH LIST for making offer later.

-       在拍賣完結前12天會自動提醒已將貨品放入WISH LIST的顧客下標
         Reminder will be sent to customers for making offer on 1 or 2 days before the end of auctions.
         If offered price is over, customers will receive a notified email.
 Emails may be classified as Junk Mail or Promotion Mail. Please also check with these if no email received in the Main mail box.

-       拍賣結束後,顧客可在會員後台查看得標貨品,亦會收到電郵通知付款,請按電郵中的URL以選擇付款及交收方式,付款期限為拍賣完結後的下一天(24小時),交收詳細請參閱第5點交收方式,若超過付款期限,系統會自動取消訂單,Eco Ring亦不會根據顧客的要求另行提供付款方式以完成已取消的訂單


         When auction is over, customers can check their winning record in the account and there will be an email to inform settlement.  Please click URL in the email to choose payment and delivery method.  The settlement period is updated to 1 day (i.e. 24 hours) counting from the next day of the auction end. Please refer to #5 for details of delivery/pick up.   System will cancel the order automatically if Eco Ring HK do not receive any payment within the settlement period, and Eco Ring HK will not provide another payment method as customers requested to finish the settlement.

Ex.: Auction end: 11:30pm on 10 Jul 
       Settlement deadline: Please settle the invoice at or before 11:29pm on 11 Jul

-       請留意,拍賣貨品不能提早結束,亦不提供得標後議價,請勿查詢貨品能否於拍賣期間直購或議價
         Please note that the auction cannot be ended earlier than set time and no price negotiation is allowed. Please do not send query for direct sales or price negotiation. 
拍賣貨品會用此方式顯示 (左上角有黃色的拍賣錘仔符號)
         Auction items are displayed as below (Yellow hammer mark on the left upper corner):
-       為維持公平競價環境,如有任何不合理/惡意出價,即時黑名單處理
        In order to maintain a fair competition environment, if there is any unreasonable offer, Eco Ring HK will blacklist those accounts. 
-       若顧客錯誤輸入入標價額,請在辦公時間內盡早通知Eco Ring HK處理。

         If customers make a wrong offer price, please contact Eco Ring HK to handle during office hours as soon as possible. 

-       貨品若受到不合理出價(無論是惡意或無心)而完結拍賣,Eco Ring HK保留將該貨重新拍賣或取消拍賣,並即時將帳戶列入黑名單的權利。
         If auctions are completed due to unreasonable offer (no matter intentionally or unintentionally), Eco Ring HK reserves right to re-sell in auctions or cancel the specific auctions and blacklist the specific account immediately.

 c) 限時優惠:
     Limited time offer:

-       此類貨品會以遞減方式銷售,在限定時間後會減價,顧客可以待減價後加入購物車購物或搶先以現價購買
         This kinds of items are sold as decreasing selling price. Price will be discounted after a certain period.  Customers can wait for the discount price to buy or buy at the current price in order not to loss the chance.
         Add interested items in shopping cart and then login to fill in the delivery information and settle the payment.
限時優惠貨品會用以下方式顯示 (左上角會有綠色的鬧鐘符號)
         Limited time offer is displayed as below (green alarm mark on the left upper)

          No product reserve during enquiries.

          [FPS only] items only accept FPS payment method.  No product reserve during enquiries.

全部貨品以Eco Ring系統下單次序售賣,恕不接受任何理由引玫下單失敗之投訴或索償。一經下單即表示同意Eco Ring網店所有條款。如有任何疑問,請詳閱HOW TO SHOP
All items are sold by time sequence according to the system.  No claims or complaints regarding order failure for any reasons.  All terms and conditions are valid once order is placed.  Please feel free to check HOW TO SHOP details for any questions.


(4) 付款方式
      Payment method

In order to let the shopping experience smoother and more convenient, there are 
3 payment methods for settlement:

1)    PayPal Express Checkout以信用卡(VisaMasterCardAE)付款,手續費全免!
       PayPal Express Checkout by credit card (Visa
 MasterCardAE) [Free of charges]

以Visa, Master, Union pay付款:
Pay by Visa, Master, Union pay:
於Checkout頁面直接輸入信用卡資料>按"Pay with Card"
Input your credit card information at Checkout page>Press "Pay with card"

Pay by AE Card:
Press the Yellow 
PayPal Button>input card information and address

PayPal 帳戶付款:
Pay by PayPal account:
Press the Yellow PayPal Button to login your PayPal account

If an error message appears during payment processing, it may indicate that your credit card did not pass PayPal's risk assessment. In this case, the order status will be shown as 'denied,' and the items will be held in the shipping cart. You can proceed with payment using another credit card.  Please note that even though items are kept in shopping cart, other customers can still put the items in their shopping cart.  Items are sold by first paid first served principle.

2)    FPS轉數快付款方式,請細閱訂單顯示的條款及細則
       FPS transfer and please refer to the terms and conditions shown in Order
3)    八達通付款方式,請細閱訂單顯示的條款及細則
       Octopus payment and please refer to the terms and conditions shown in Order

Attention: If the payment method is chosen, it cannot be changed. Please consider thoroughly before choosing! 

顧客使用PayPal Express Checkout會直接收款,在會員後台的”Order History”可以查看到付款狀態為已付Eco Ring HK確認收款後,會根據顧客的要求將貨品寄出或送到交收點作面交。
Customers who pay by PayPal Express Checkout can find the payment status as "Completed" in the "Order History". After the confirmation by Eco Ring HK, items will be shipped according to the request of customers or passed to pick up point for self pick up.

Eco Ring HK網店的交易過程採用SSL網絡安全憑證,以確保購物過程安全而保障。
Transaction in Eco Ring HK e-shop adopts Secure Socket Layer Certificate to make sure the shopping is safe and protected.

※所有貨品均只有一件,以先完成付款為出售標準,付款程序未完成,顧客仍可將貨品放入購物車,當有另一位顧客先以PayPal完成付款及系統傳送資料到網店,之後選擇Checkout該貨品的顧客會見到出現Error Message並跳回My Cart頁面,顯示貨品名稱後面出現紅色的***,即代表貨品已沒有存貨。
The quantity of all items are only 1 and will be sold by FIRST PAID FIRST SERVED.  Customer can put the item into Shopping Cart as long as no payment process is completed successfully.  When there is one customer who checkout by PayPal successfully and the data is sent to eShop for completion, error message will be shown if there is other customer who want to checkout the same item which is put into Shopping Cart previously.  Customer will be re-directed to My Cart page and there is a Red *** mark shown in the product name which means the quantity of the item becomes 0.

如需使用優惠碼,請於”VIEW CART”頁面結帳時於”USE COUPON CODE”輸入相應的優惠碼及按”APPLY COUPON”,銀碼會即時更新,請檢查清楚無誤。
If customers want to use coupon, please enter the corresponding coupon code in “VIEW CART” and click the “USE COUPON CODE” button.  The checkout amount will be immediately updated after “APPLY COUPON” is clicked.  Please confirm before proceed.
*Only available for Direct purchase items and Limited Time Offer Items.  Shipping fee, Auction items and FPS ONLY ITEMS are EXCLUDED*
***Please  note that coupon code cannot be used together with other coupon codes.  That means ONLY one coupon code can be input every time.  Sorry that Eco Ring does not accept change/add back of coupon code after order is placed due to the reason of wrongly usage or missing of input.

如需使用積分,請於”VIEW CART”頁面結帳時於”USE POINT”輸入相應的優惠碼及按”APPLY POINT”,銀碼會即時更新,請檢查清楚無誤。
If customers want to use points, please enter the corresponding coupon code in “VIEW CART” and click the “USE POINT” button.  The checkout amount will be immediately updated after “APPLY POINT” is clicked.  Please confirm before proceed.
*Only available for Direct purchase items*

      Delivery method

Eco Ring HK提供兩種交收方法:
Eco Ring HK provides 2 ways of delivery:
a) 面交:
     Self pick up:

-       為讓交收流程更暢順,面交採取預約制。顧客在網上付款後,請於一個工作天前的下午4時前以文字訊息(EmailWhatsApp)聯絡預約面交時間並得到Eco Ring確實面交時間。訂單滿HKD500 方可自取,HKD500 以下訂單一律郵寄出貨,郵費由買家負擔 (推廣期間除外),關於郵寄詳情,請參閱(5)交收方式 b) 寄貨,如需夾單請電郵或WhatsApp 通知。
         Please make an appointment to arrange self pick up.  Please make an appointment one working day before (before 4pm) and receive confirmation by Eco Ring to arrange self pick up.  Please contact by Email or WhatsApp for pick up date and time after payment is completed.   Order HKD500 or above can be arranged self pick up.  Order below HKD500 will be sent out by courier and courier charge is bear by customers (except promotion period).  Please refer to (5) Delivery method b) Shipping for more details.  If customers need to combine orders, please contact by Email or WhatsApp. 

-       每次只限一組客人,最多兩位,每組客人預約時間為15分鐘,全部貨品不設睇貨。若客人嚴重超時,Eco Ring有權請客人即時離開,並有可能不再接受預約自取。
      Only one group (maximum 2 people a group) of customers will be arranged in one time slot. 15 minutes for each time slot. No any other product preview.  If there is seriously overtime, Eco Ring has the right to ask customers to leave immediately and may not accept appointment for pick up in the future.

-       顧客可在預約時間內親身或授權他人到交收點取貨。在會員後台的購物記錄中,顧客可生成訂單的QR code以縮短取貨時間,為保障顧客利益,若授權他人取貨時,請在生成QR code時輸入來人的名稱及電話號碼以作確認。請留意,若希望委託他人取貨,請在付款時選擇"Pick up from store",否則將不能生成QR code
        Customers can come to the pick up point or authorize the third party to pick up in the time slot booked. QR code can be generated in the "Order History" to shorten the pick up time. In order to protect the interest of customers, please enter the authorized person name and contact number when generating QR code.  Please note that if customers would like to appoint the third party to pick up, "Pick up from store" needs to be chosen in the Checkout process in order to generate the QR code.

-       請顧客於3個工作天內聯絡取貨日期及時間並於7個工作天內完成交收,若過了交易限期仍未聯絡取貨,貨品會重新上架,而不作另行通知,Eco Ring HK亦會記錄一次棄單,三件貨品以上棄單會被列入黑名單 [於2023.12.14更新]。
         Please contact for pick up within 3 working days. If the transaction deadline is over, items will be re-uploaded without further notice. "Give up" record is marked and account with over 3 "Cancel items" records will be blacklisted [updated on 14 Dec 2023]. 

-       顧客選擇在交收點取件後,可以免費更改預約三次,更改通知請於交收日最少一個工作天前的營業時間內以WhatsApp / 電郵至指定郵箱 並得到Eco Ring HK的確認,恕不接受電話聯絡。超過三次更改會直接根據會員紀錄中的地址作順豐到付發貨,若會員紀錄中沒有填寫地址而顧客希望預約自取,Eco Ring HK會收取HKD50的更改手續費。
        If customers choose to pick up from Pick Up Point, appointment can be changed without charges for 3 times.  Notice of change needs to be sent by WhatsApp / Email to within business hours at least 1 working days before appointment date and obtain confirmation from Eco Ring HK.  No phone contact is accepted.  If changes are made over 3 times, items will be sent according to the shipping address shown in members ‘records.  If no shipping address in the records and customers would like to arrange a new day for self pick up, Eco Ring HK will charge HKD50 for changing fee.

-       已確認預約的顧客,若沒有任何事前通知而在預約當日失約,會收取HKD100行政費,顧客可以另行安排自取日子(會按上述條款收取一次HKD50更改手續費或以順豐到付方式寄貨,失約行政費需先繳清,Eco Ring HK才會安排交收或寄貨。
       There will be HKD100 admin charge for no show on appointment day.  Customers can re-arrange a new self pick up date by paying HKD50 changing fee (mentioned as previous term) or receive the order by SF Express (courier charges bear by customers).  Admin charge needs to be clear before arranging a new appointment date or shipment. 

-       若同時有多張訂單,倉庫電腦會以訂單先後次序發貨,顧客須先提取舊訂單,新訂單的貨品才會送到交收點作自取,由於經系統安排發貨,無法接受先行提取最新訂單。顧客若現時有舊訂單未提貨,請於3個工作日內安排提取,否則系統未能安排新訂單發貨。而舊訂單貨件超過3個工作日的交收限期而未提取,將會收取每日存倉費每件HKD10

        If there are multiple orders, system will send out by order.  Old orders need to be completed before new order items are sent to Pick Up Point.  There is no way for the latest order to be sent out first.  Order needs to be completed within 3 working days and if transaction limit is over, storage fee will be charged HKD10 per day.

*The above charges will be donated to Society for Abandoned Animals without deducting any costs.

-      若有任何惡意更改預約而失約,或無法聯絡顧客確認交收安排,Eco Ring HK保留最終將貨品重新上架而不作另行通知的權利。以PayPal支付的款項會扣除手續費後退回,以FPS或八達通支付的款項需要顧客提供退款戶口詳情才能安排。 無法退回的款項會保留6個月,如到期後仍無人認領,將會把該款項捐出。
          If appointment is changed intentionally and no show, or unable to contact customers for pick up/delivery, Eco Ring HK reserves the right to re-upload items without any notification.  PayPal charges will be deducted and the remaining balance will be refunded.  If customers pay by FPS which requires bank account information to arrange refund, fund received will be kept for 6 months and will be donated if without any contact received.

 -       若交易限期內顧客無法安排取貨,可先付全額貨款留貨,此安排需由顧客提出,並提供確切而合理的取貨日期。
         If customers cannot arrange pick up within the pick up period, reservation can be arranged by full amounts settlement.  This arrangement is only provided by request from customers and an exact and reasonable pick up date need to be given.

-       面交驗收貨品時,請小心輕放,如發現因人為失誤或有意地令貨品弄髒或損壞,Eco Ring HK保留一切追究權利。
        Please handle with care when checking the items in pick up.  No matter items are damaged or got dirty intentionally or not, Eco Ring HK reserves all the rights for further actions.  

-       請顧客在自取時,小心驗收貨品,Eco Ring不會承擔貨品出門後的損壞等,所有自取貨品不接受退貨要求。
         Please check the items carefully while pick up, Eco Ring will not bear any damage caused after pick up and all the self pick up product cannot be refunded.


b) 寄貨:

Shipping overseas are arranged by EMS, e-Express or DHL. Local delivery is arranged by SF Express.

-      2021111500:00:00起至另行通知,網店推出順豐速運包郵活動,全單HKD500即可享包郵。但仍有部分體積大、易碎物品等只限自取,此包郵活動只限Eco Ring HK網店,不能與Carousell或其他購物平台的訂單夾單。
      Starting from 15 November 2011 at 00:00:00 until further notice, free SF shipping promotion is launched for order for HKD500 or above. Some large size or fragile items are self pick up only. This promotion is only on Eco Ring eShop and cannot be used together with the orders on Carousell or other shopping platforms.

-     訂單少於HKD500而希望夾單,需要客人自行通知。只限3個工作日內的訂單,超過時間而沒有新訂單或收到客人另行通知,Eco Ring會以順豐到付寄出少於HKD500的訂單 / 順豐寄付寄出HKD500以上的訂單。
      Customers need to inform Eco Ring for order less than HKD500 but want to combine order, Only orders within 3 working days are accepted for combining order. If there is no new orders or no notification from customers after 3 working days, Eco Ring will send out the order by SF Express (shipping fee bear by customers) for less than HKD500 order / free shipping for HKD500 or above orders.

-     包郵活動只限寄香港及澳門地區,其他地區不會享有。
       Free shipping is only for Hong Kong and Macau.

-      於下單時選擇自取並不會有折扣或郵費減免。若下單時已選擇到店自取,即使之後要求更改為本地郵寄,亦不會獲得任何郵費減免(即包郵),只會以順豐到付方式發貨,不論訂單總額是否到達HKD500
       Self pick up will not enjoy any discount or shipping fee deduction. If delivery is changed from self pick up, no free shipping is enjoyed. Order will be delivered by SF Express (shipping fee bear by customers), no matter order is HKD500 or above.

-     包裹準備後將以電郵通知運單號碼,速遞登記包裹後方可追蹤,請向順豐速運查詢包裹狀態。
      Tracking number is informed by email after the package is ready.  SF tracking service is only available after the package is registered.  Please contact SF Express for the package status.

-      請留意順豐全部最高只能申報HKD5,000,超過HKD5,000需保價0.6%(保價費用需客人自付)。除非客人自行提出要保價,否則HKD5,000以上貨價的訂單也只會申報HKD5,000
       SF Express can only accept max HKD5,000 value declaration and insurance 
0.6% needs to be paid for over HKD5,000 (insurance cost is bear by customers).

由於顧客反映寄送中國內地多次發生報關及扣關的問題,為免再有貨品未能送達,由即日起,Eco Ring HK會停止所有寄送到中國內地的服務,若顧客登記的地址為中國內地,收到訂單後,Eco Ring HK會將扣除PayPal的商家手續費的餘額退回,並不作另作通知。請顧客務必確認寄貨地址才下單,以免被收取手續費。
As customers reflect multiple customs declaration issue for shipment to China, Eco Ring HK stop all shipping to China effective immediately to prevent failure of delivery. If customers' registered address is China, Eco Ring HK will refund net of PayPal seller charges without any notice. Please make sure the delivery address before placing orders.

任何價值都有可能被徵關稅或扣關,Eco Ring HK不承擔任何郵寄及關稅風險,並只會提供真實貨價的發票,顧客須自行處理,Eco Ring HK無法處理各地海關的事宜,請顧客考慮清楚才下單。
Package with any values has a chance of detention or being charged tax and customs. Eco Ring HK is not responsible for any delivery and declaration risks and only provide invoice with the actual price. Customers need to handle the customs declaration matter themselves. Eco Ring HK cannot handle declaration matters. Please consider thoroughly before placing orders.

-       顧客需先付全額貨款,Eco Ring HK在確認收款後的下一個工作天起計三個工作天內安排寄貨。將以訂單次序安排寄出,包裹不能指定到達日子。順豐速運過了截單時間後有機會不安排收件。
         Customers need to pay the full price before shipping. Eco Ring HK will send out the items within 3 working days, counted from the next working date after confirmation.  
Shipping schedule is sent by order.  Arrival date and time cannot be specified.  SF Express may not collect the package after cut off time.

-       若顧客選擇寄送方式接收貨品,須於收貨時檢查清楚,Eco Ring HK不承擔任何郵寄風險。
         If customers choose to receive by delivery, please double check the items when received package. Eco Ring HK is not responsible for any shipping risk.

-       顧客請在填寫送貨地址、電話號碼及收件人姓名時,確認所有資料均是準確無誤,Eco Ring HK不會核實送貨資料,只會根據訂單上的送貨地址發貨。如有任何資料錯誤而該錯誤並非Eco Ring HK的疏忽引起,Eco Ring HK不會承擔任何損失。
        Please make sure the delivery address, receiver name and telephone number are correct. Eco Ring HK will not double check the delivery information and only send according to the delivery address shown on the invoice. If there is any mistakes which are not caused by the negligence of Eco Ring HK, Eco Ring HK is not responsible for any losses.

-       Eco Ring HK會盡力確保貨品用最快的速度送到顧客手上,但不能保證在運送中有任何延誤。貨品送出後均會提供運單編號,顧客請自行聯絡快遞公司查詢。
         Eco Ring HK tries to make sure customers can received their items earliest. However, Eco Ring HK cannot guarantee there will be no any delays in delivery. Tracking number is provided after items are shipped. Please contact courier companies for the delivery status.

-          Eco Ring HK會自行決定包裝方式,如有特別要求請先聯絡, 可行情況下Eco Ring HK會盡力安排。
             Eco Ring HK will decide the packing material.  If customer has any specific requirements, please contact in advance and Eco Ring HK will try to fit the requirement if possible.

-            關於轉運方式收貨:

若顧客採用轉運方式收貨,有可能會延長收貨時間,Eco Ring只負責發貨至顧客指定的轉運商,若因轉運途中出現任何問題,包括但不限於因轉運商存放不妥或重新包裝而令到貨品有損毀、轉運商收貨後引致的貨品損失,請顧客自行向轉運商追討。請留意,長時間運送會有可能影響貨品狀態,請顧客在選擇運送方式時考慮清楚。

如收件地址為倉庫,Eco Ring不會支付任何由而產生的倉庫費用,請顧客自行與轉運倉安排。若最終有倉庫費用產生,客人必須付清此欠款,Eco Ring才會接受新訂單。

If customer used to receive the items by forwarding shipment, this may increase the receiving time.  Eco Ring is only responsible for the delivery to the specified forwarders instructed by customers.  If there is any problems in the forwarding, including but not only to damage caused by inappropriate storage or re-packaging by forwarders, loss of items after received by forwarders.  Please kindly contact to the forwarders for claims. Conditions of items may be affected by long shipment time.  Please consider carefully before choosing the shipping method.

If the delivery address is a warehouse, Eco Ring will not pay for the storage fee of forwarding. Customers please arrange with the forwarders directly.  Customers need to settle the storage fee and then Eco Ring will accept new orders.

-       海外發送會有可能產生關稅等費用,此等費用需顧客負擔。有關通關費用的詳細,顧客請自行向當地海關查詢,Eco Ring HK在報關時只會填寫貨品售價。通關所需時間均根據各地海關的安排,Eco Ring HK無法預測及承擔任何風險。

     Overseas delivery may have customs and tax which are bear by customers and please contact local customs for details. Eco Ring HK will only declare the actual price in customs declaration. Eco Ring HK cannot predict how long will the declaration time be which is determined by local customs and no risks are responsible by Eco Ring HK.
部分海外地區可能因各種不可抗力原因而未能以Eco Ring提供的發貨方式收件,請各住客人在下單前確認身處的地區能否沒有延誤地收貨,Eco Ring只會根據客人下單時提供的郵寄地址發貨,若無法寄出而有需要更改郵寄地址,即使訂單滿HKD500,新的郵寄地址亦不會獲得免運費的優惠。不論是香港本地內/澳門內的更改地址、或由海外地址更改為香港本地/澳門地址、或由香港本地/澳門地址更改為海外地址。

     Some overseas areas may not be able to receive the package by the provided shipping method due to irresistible factors. Please make sure your area can receive the package without delay. Eco Ring will only send out according to the address provided. Free shipping cannot be enjoyed if shipping address needs to be changed due to failure of delivery even for order HKD500 or above. No matter change of address within HK/Macau, from overseas address to HK/Macau, from HK/Macau to overseas address.


-       顧客可預先在會員後台的”Address”增加送貨地址,以減省付款流程時所需時間:
        Customers can enter delivery address in "Address" to shorten the payment time:
         After login, click "Account" on the right upper corner
MY ACCOUNT中揀選Modify Your Address Book
         Choose "Address" in "Modify Your Address Book"
         Click "New Address" to increase address option
         Input required items
    Continue" in right bottom to complete


Remark 1: Delivery time may be delayed if pick up method is changed after order is placed.  Order will be re-arranging and Eco Ring HK does not guarantee order can be shipped out within 3 working days.

2Eco Ring HK不接急單,若顧客急需使用,請自行安排代取或預約最快的自取時間。

Remark 2: Eco Ring HK does not accept urgent orders.  Please arrange pick up by the 3rd party or make an appointment on the earliest date for urgent usage.


    Inclement Weather Special Arrangement:

如天文台懸掛黑色暴雨或熱帶風暴8號,自取點將會暫停營業,當日所有的自取預約均會取消,Eco Ring HK會於恢復營業時安排再預約。
If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning is hoisted, self pick up point will be closed. All the appointment on that day will be canceled and will be rearranged when the normal business resumed.


(6) 會員優惠
    Member privileges
a) 會員儲分制
Reward points:

FPS指定貨品(價錢會顯示為HKD9,999,999)以外,所有貨品訂單每滿HKD200 即可獲得1分,積分可於下次購物時使用,1分等於HKD1,積分使用期限為同年1231日,逾期系統自動取消。
Except items only accept FPS (price is shown as HKD9,999,999), customers will earn 1 point for every HKD200. Reward points can be used in next shopping. 1 point = HKD1 and the expiry date is 31 December of the same year. Reward point will be canceled automatically by system when expired.

Calculation method:

訂單HKD3,190,當中HKD3,000可計算積分,而HKD190則未滿HKD200,將會不計算在內,故此,可獲得積分為HKD3,000/HKD200 = 15
Order amount HKD3,190 and HKD3,000 is granted for reward point while HKD190 is less than HKD200 and not counted for reward point. Thus, reward point earned is HKD3,000/HKD200 = 15

(Reward point is calculated by order total amount)


How to use:

將心儀貨品加入購物車,按右上的My Cart中的View Cart
  Add the item in Shopping Card and click the right above My Cart => View Cart

揀選USE POINT,輸入想使用的積分數目,之後按APPLY POINT
  Choose USE POINT and enter the point you want to use. Remember to click APPLY POINT to redeem

  Confirm the point is deducted in the right bottom breakdown and the new order amount. Then click CHECKOUT button

*Only available for Direct purchase items*

How to check:

  Login the account by clicking right above ACCOUNT


  Check the points details and the expiry date

b) 會員推薦計劃
Referral points:


Referral program is newly launched!  When existing member introduces friend to register account and the referee completes order, existing member will get a referral coupon HKD200 by email sent automatically by the system.  Introducing more, get more discount!

*Only available for Direct purchase items*


Remark 1: This referral coupon is only applicable for the 1st order by referee.  There will be no referral coupons received for the 2nd or more orders.


Remark 2: Registering account by the same person is NOT acceptable.  If discovered, the existing and new account may be blacklisted and the referral coupon(s) will be canceled.

c) 使用優惠碼
  Coupon codes


Please follow the steps below to enjoy special promotion (if any):


Step 1: Put your interested item in Shopping Cart

步驟2:於"VIEW CART"頁面結帳時,在"USE COUPON CODE"輸入相應優惠碼,之後按"APPLY COUPON",銀碼會即時更新,請檢查清楚無誤才按"CHECKOUT"完成付款。

Step 2: Input the corresponding coupon code in "USE COUPON CODE" and click "APPLY COUPON" in the page of "VIEW CART".  Discount amount will be automatically updated.  Please check thoroughly before proceed to checkout.


*Coupon code only apply to direct sales items, limited time offer items.  No applicable in shipping fee, auction items and items only accept FPS payment.

*如有任何使用錯誤,Eco Ring HK一概不負責亦不會就客人使用錯誤而取消訂單或退回差額。

*If there is any misusage of coupon codes, Eco Ring HK is not responsible for any misuage by customers to cancel order or refund the difference.


Eco Ring HK will not accept getting discount or cancelling orders or refunding the difference after orders are placed.


No coupon code entered then directly proceed to CHECKOUT will not be refreshed to discounted price automaticallly.  In this situation, requests of cancellation of orders of refund the difference will not be accepted.


Enjoy SF free delivery for HKD500 or above after discount.

(7) 關於退貨
      Return of items     

除以下原因,Eco Ring Hong Kong Limited原則上不接受買家單方面提出的退貨要求:
Except for the following reasons, Eco Ring Hong Kong Limited do not accept return request by customers:

-       網店上的商品描述及相片與實際購得的商品有明顯差異
         Obvious discrepancy between description and photos in e-Shop with the actual items
        Different items from the order are delivered 

    Description is based on subjective judgement and Eco Ring does not accept any return requests due to the interpretation of description.  Photo of actual items are taken.  If the
 conditions or damages are taken in photos, Eco Ring does not accept any return requests due to this reason.

顧客請於收到貨品後的7天內主動以文字訊息(WhatsAppEmail)聯絡Eco Ring HK提出退貨原因及理據,並在得到Eco Ring HK回覆確認後的3個工作天內將貨品連單據,售出的原有全套配件以快遞或自行到交收點,快遞的運費會由顧客負擔,收貨及經確認配件齊備和與本來狀態無異後Eco Ring HK會於14個工作天內將貨款連同退貨運費退回顧客的帳戶,並以電郵通知。如欠缺任何原有配件或有任何損壞,會扣除本公司判斷之相應價值後再退款,退款時間有可能會延遲。請注意本公司只承擔一次快遞的運費,本公司不承擔因客人寄錯而產生之快遞的運費。

Please contact Eco Ring HK by WhatsApp or Email within 7 days for return reasons and supporting documents. After receiving the reply from Eco Ring HK, items need to be sent together with invoice issued by Eco Ring HK and all the accessories sold together by courier or passed to pick up point within 3 working days. Courier charges are bear by customers. Eco Ring HK will refund the paid amount and courier charges of return to customers' account within 14 working days after items are received and confirmed. Email will be sent after refund. If any damage or lack of accessories, Eco Ring HK will determine the cost and will deduct from the refund amount, please note refund may be delayed. Eco Ring HK will return the courier charges for one time only, Eco Ring HK will not bear any courier charges caused by shipping mistakes from customers.


No refund or return is accepted for any reasons if the above mentioned 7 days contact period is over.

The following reasons are not accepted for return or refund as well as failure to complete orders:

-       已標明等級JUNK的貨品以無法維修或損壞為理由退貨或棄單/棄標
         Items are already marked as rank Junk but claimed cannot be repair or damage
         Size marked on the items is not fit or problem of design
         Part of the items sold as Set are not satisfied and request to return the whole Set
         Description and photos have already showed that items are not sold in complete set but claimed lack of accessories as reason

任何未經聯絡的退貨,Eco Ring HK保留拒收的權利,並不會承擔任何因而產生的運費或關稅等費用。
If items are returned without prior notice, Eco Ring HK reserves rights not to receive and will not pay for any courier charges or customs if any.

如有合理原因下,顧客可以選擇棄單/棄標,而並不會被記錄在黑名單內,請於7個工作天內以文字訊息聯絡Eco Ring HK有關事宜並提出原因,Eco Ring HK會酌情按個別情況處理及提供協助。
Customers can choose not to complete the orders if reasonable and no blacklist recorded is marked. Please contact Eco Ring HK within 7 working days with the reasons. Eco Ring HK will handle and provide assistance case by case.

如顧客於檢查購得貨品時因人為不小心或刻意地令其弄髒或損壞,該貨品將不設退貨或退款,Eco Ring HK亦保留追究權利。
If items are damaged or got dirty while customers check the items, no refund or return is accepted. Eco Ring HK also reserves all the rights for further actions.

Refund will be returned within 14 working days.  Once the refund request accepted, the rewards points of the order/returned item will be deducted.

Refund or return is subjected to the final decision of Eco Ring HK.


(8) 黑名單機制

[20221517:09更新每個客人只能開設一個帳戶,若Eco Ring發現客人重覆開戶,新帳戶會被取消並不會得到任何通知,而新帳戶如有下單,訂單將會扣除手續費後退款。

In order to maintain a fair and open shopping environment, accounts with the following situations will be blacklisted.

a) 不合理棄標/棄單(以單件貨品計算)所指:
    Unreasonable reasons for not completing orders (counted per item) mean using the following as reasons:

   Defect which are already remarked and presented in description (photos or words) 

   Unable to repair items which are graded rank Junk

   Size marked on the items is not fit

   Regret for making the offer or placing orders

   Items are damaged or got dirty intentionally or not when checking the conditions

  Duplicate registration of account (new account will be canceled without notification. Orders in new account will be canceled and refunded after deducting the service charges, if any)

   No contact within specified transaction period

   Other personal reasons or reasons regarded as unreasonable

b) 若顧客以帶有粗言穢語的內容聯絡Eco Ring HK,將會即時列入「黑名單」而不作通知。
      If customers send contents with foul languages to Eco Ring HK, accounts will be blacklisted without notice.

c) Eco Ring HK角度,多次帶有騷擾成分地發送訊息,因而影響Eco Ring HK的日常運作及正常回覆其他顧客查詢,該帳戶將會即時列入「黑名單」而不作通知。
     From the perspective of Eco Ring HK, customers who send multiple messages with harassment content which affect the daily operation of Eco Ring HK and normal reply to other customers' queries will be blacklisted without notice.

If accounts have over 3 times unreasonable reason not to complete orders, those accounts will be blacklisted forever without notice.

No matter what situation, blacklisted account will not be released.

If there is any actions intentionally affect the operation of e-Shop or normal auction bidding, the account will be blacklisted immediately and Eco Ring HK reserves all the rights for further actions.