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Shipping Policy

[2021.06.21 最新消息]【最新交收安排】
感謝各位顧客一直以來對於Eco Ring HK網店的支持。為鼓勵顧客盡快取件,以加快貨件轉倉至交收點的流程,確保服務質素。由2021年6月22日 (星期二)起,面交安排會有所更新,詳情如下:

顧客於3個工作天內聯絡取貨日期及時間,若過了交易限期仍未聯絡取貨,貨品會重新上架,而不作另行通知,ECO RING HK亦會記錄一次棄單,三次以上棄單會被列入黑名單

1) 顧客選擇在交收點取件後,可以免費更改預約三次,更改通知請於最少一個工作天的營業時間內以WhatsApp / 電郵至指定郵箱 enquiry@ecoringhk.com通知,恕不接受電話聯絡。超過三次更改會直接根據會員紀錄中的地址作順豐到付發貨,若會員紀錄中沒有填寫地址而顧客希望預約自取,Eco Ring HK會收取HKD50的更改手續費。

2) 已確認預約的顧客,若沒有任何事前通知而在預約當日失約,會收取HKD100行政費,顧客可以另行安排自取日子(會按#1收取一次HKD50更改手續費) 或以順豐到付方式寄貨,失約行政費需先繳清,Eco Ring HK才會安排交收或寄貨。

3) 若同時有多張訂單,倉庫電腦會以訂單先後次序發貨,顧客須先提取舊訂單,新訂單的貨品才會送到交收點作自取,由於系統安排發貨,無法接受先行提取最新訂單。顧客若現時有舊訂單未提貨,請於3個工作日內安排提取,否則系統未能安排新訂單發貨。而舊訂單貨件超過3個工作日的交收限期而未提取,將會收取每日存倉費每件HKD10。

4) 若有任何惡意更改預約而失約,或無法聯絡顧客確認交收安排,Eco Ring HK保留最終將貨品重新上架而不作另行通知的權利。以PayPal支付的款項會扣除手續費後退回,以FPS支付的款項需要顧客提供退款戶口詳情才能安排。 無法退回的款項會保留6個月,到期無人認領將會捐出。
註1:如果要更改取貨方式,發貨時間可能會延遲,訂單會重新排序,不保證三個工作日內能夠寄出。 註2:Eco Ring HK不接急單,若顧客急需使用,請自行安排代取或預約最快的自取時間。

為令到交收流程更加順暢,希望顧客能理解以上更新安排,Eco Ring HK會根據顧客情況作酌情安排處理。


[2020.08.28 最新消息]【自取點最新安排】



1. 為減少接觸,訂單滿HKD500 方可自取,HKD500 以下訂單一律郵寄出貨,郵費由買家負擔,如需夾單請電郵或whatsapp 通知。

2. 郵寄可選擇順豐速運或Alfred Locker¸如選擇順豐速運,運費會於到貨時收取(即到付),如選擇Alfred Locker, 運費會由同事開Paypal 帳單,寄出前收取。

3. 本公司不承擔任何郵寄風險,順豐全部最高只能申報HKD5000,HKD5,000以上貨價順豐必須保價0.6%,此保價費用由顧客負擔。

4. 因疫情關係,發送海外有可能會因航班問題有所延誤或甚無法寄送,敬請留意

5. 交收為全預約制,請於交收日前最少一個工作天聯絡預約/更改預約。

6. 每次只限一組客人,最多兩位,每組客人預約時間為15分鐘,全部貨品不設睇貨。

7. 所有到來之客人在進入本公司前先必須配戴口罩(敬請自備),另外必須先量度體溫 ,超過攝氏37.5度的客人恕不招待

8. 必須先以消毒液消毒雙手。

9. 遲到5分鐘而無何通知,只限順豐到付。

10. 更改預約滿3次,只限順豐到付。

11. 員工每天會量度及紀錄體溫,如員工有不適,會立即回家休息。

12. 定期消毒交收點,減低病毒傳播機會。

自取點營業時間為11:15am - 6:30 pm

地址:尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行(東座)15樓1511室 (由2021年1月15日開始)

[2020.07.24 最新通知新增Alfred Locker為物流商:

請參閱以下Alfred Locker的自取點/智能櫃位置:



Alfred Locker使用方法:


若客人對於取件及貨件追蹤有任何疑問,請直接聯絡Alfred Locker或參閱以下常見問題

(2020.04.21) 更新資訊:請留意海外寄送部分
(2020.04.21) Update information: Please refer to overseas delivery

(2020.04.30) 更新資訊:請留意最新的接受付款方法
(2020.04.30) Update information: Please refer to payment method

(2020.05.19) 更新資訊:請留意海外寄送部分
(2020.05.19) Update information: Please refer to overseas delivery

(2020.08.12) 說明更新:請留意關於使用轉運商作收貨的說明
(2020.08.12) Update information: Please refer to the details of delivery to forwarders

Eco Ring HK可選擇 (1) 面交或 (2) 寄送服務。
Eco Ring HK provides (1) Self pick up or (2) Shipping.

(1) 面交: 
(1) Self pick up: 

Please refer to the pinned updated information on 21 Jun 2021.

Appointment is needed for self pick up.
Please contact by Email or WhatsApp for making appointment after settlement online and visit our pick up point within the appointment time slot.

請顧客於3個工作天內聯絡取貨日期及時間,若過了交易限期仍未聯絡取貨,貨品會重新上架,而不作另行通知,Eco Ring HK亦會記錄一次棄單,三次以上棄單會被列入黑名單。 
Customers please contact within 3 working days for the date and time of self pick up. If the pick up deadline is over but failure to contact, items will be re-uploaded without notice. Eco Ring HK will also record one time for failure to complete transaction. Account will be blacklisted for three times or above.

Customers can settle the full payment to reserve the items if failure to pick up within the pick up period. This arrangement needs to be requested by customers with a reasonable pick up date.

面交驗收貨品時,請小心輕放,如發現因人為不小心或有意地令貨品弄髒或損壞,Eco Ring HK保留一切追究權利。 
Please handle with care when checking the items in pick up. No matter items are damaged or got dirty intentionally or not, Eco Ring HK reserves all the rights for further actions.  

(2) 寄送:
(2) Shipping: 

Eco Ring HK提供全球寄送服務。基本上運費是顧客負擔,但在優惠期間,Eco Ring HK會以免運費方式寄貨。優惠會於開始前在網店公告。
Eco Ring HK provides global shipping. Usually, courier charge is bear by customers. Eco Ring HK will provides free shipping in specific promotions. There is a notice posted in e-Shop in advance.

若顧客選用寄貨服務,請先將全額貨款及運費(如有)以下述方式支付,在確認入數後,Eco Ring HK會於3個工作天內將貨品寄
If customers choose to receive by delivery, please settle the full payment together with courier charge (if any) by acceptable payment method. Eco Ring HK will delivery to the registered address within 3 working days after payment is confirmed. Tracking number is provided by email after items are shipped out. Customers can also check the tracking number in "Account". As there is case of delay delivery by courier companies, customers please contact courier companies for delivery status.

※由於顧客反映寄送中國內地多次發生報關及扣關的問題,為免再有貨品未能送達,由即日起,ECO RING HK會停止所有寄送到中國內地的服務,若顧客登記的地址為中國內地,收到訂單後,ECO RING HK會將扣除PAYPAL的商家手續費的餘額退回,並不作另作通知。請顧客務必確認寄貨地址才下單,以免被收取手續費。 (2020.05.19 更新)
As customers reflect mulitple customs declaration issue for shipment to China, Eco Ring HK stop all shipping to China effective immediately to prevent failure of delivery. If customers' registered address is China, Eco Ring HK will refund net of PayPal seller charges without any notice. Please make sure the delivery address before placing orders. (2020.05.19 update)

※任何價值都有可能被徵關稅或扣關,Eco Ring HK不承擔任何郵寄及關稅風險,並只會提供真實貨價的發票,顧客須自行處理,Eco Ring HK無法處理各地海關的事宜,請顧客考慮清楚才下單。
Package with any values has a chance of detention or being charged tax and customs. Eco Ring HK is not responsible for any delivery and declartion risks and only provide invoice with the actual price. Customers need to handle the customs declaration matter themselves. Eco Ring HK cannot handle declaration matters. Please consider thoroughly before placing orders.

※若顧客採用轉運方式收貨,有可能會延長收貨時間,Eco Ring只負責發貨至顧客指定的轉運商,若因轉運途中出現任何問題,包括但不限於因轉運商存放不妥或重新包裝而令到貨品有損毀、轉運商收貨後引致的貨品損失,請顧客自行向轉運商追討。請留意,長時間運送會有可能影響貨品狀態,請顧客在選擇運送方式時考慮清楚。

※If customer used to receive the items by forwarding shipment, this may increase the receiving time.  Eco Ring is only responsible for the delivery to the specified forwarders instructed by customers.  If there is any problems in the forwarding, including but not only to damage caused by inappropriate storage or re-packaging by forwarders, loss of items after received by forwarders.  Please kindly contact to the forwarders for claims. Conditions of items may be affected by long shipment time.  Please consider carefully before choosing the shipping method.

註:因疫倩關係,部分上述海外郵寄方法會有可能暫停,Eco Ring HK會盡量安排以其他方式郵寄,有可能以平郵掛號寄送。(2020.04.21)
Note: Due to COVID-19, some overseas shipping methods are stopped. Eco Ring HK will try to ship by other methods even plain mails.(2020.04.21)

Global shipping

地點 Location方式 Way保險額 Insurance
海外 (不包括中國內地)
Overseas excl. China
By EMS, e-Express or DHL
沒有 N/A
Hong Kong
By SF Express
Max declaration value is HKD5,000
請留意: 超過HKD5,000需保價(保價需由客人自付)
Please note that over HKD5,000, insurance
needs to be paid by customers
By SF Express
Max declaration value is HKD5,000
請留意: 超過HKD5,000需保價(保價需由客人自付)
Please note that over HKD5,000, insurance
needs to be paid by customers

接受付款方式:(2020.04.30 更新)
Acceptable payment method: (2020.04.30 update)

為了讓顧客的購物體驗更加流暢及方便,由2020年5月1日開始,所有訂單只接受經PayPal Express Checkout以信用卡(Visa、MasterCard、AE)付款,手續費全免! 
In order to let the shopping experience more smooth and convenient, all orders can only be settled by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, AE) via PayPal Express Checkout from 1 May 2020. Free of any charges! 

顧客請在填寫送貨地址、電話號碼及收件人姓名時,確認所有資料均是準確無誤,Eco Ring HK不會核實送貨資料,如有任何資料錯誤而該錯誤並非Eco Ring HK的疏忽引起,Eco Ring HK不會承擔任何損失。
Please make sure the delivery address, receiver name and telephone number are correct. Eco Ring HK will not double check the delivery information. If there is any mistakes which are not caused by the negligence of Eco Ring HK, Eco Ring HK is not responsible for any losses.

海外發送會有可能產生關稅等費用,此等費用需顧客負擔。有關通關費用的詳細,顧客請自行向當地海關查詢,Eco Ring HK在報關時只會填寫貨品售價。通關所需時間均根據各地海關的安排,Eco Ring HK無法預測及承擔任何風險。
Overseas delivery may have customs and tax. This kinds of expenses are bear by customers and please contact local customs for details. Eco Ring HK will only declare the actual price in customs declaration. Eco Ring HK cannot predict how long will the declaration time be which is determined by local customs and no risks are responsible by Eco Ring HK.

Customers please check the conditions of items after received and contact Eco Ring HK for any problems.

所有貨品均只有一件,以先完成付款為出售標準,付款程序未完成,顧客仍可將貨品放入購物車,當有另一位顧客先以PayPal完成付款及系統傳送資料到網店,之後選擇Checkout該貨品的顧客會見到出現Error Message並跳回My Cart頁面,顯示貨品名稱後面出現紅色的***,即代表貨品已沒有存貨。

The quantity of all items are 1 and will be sold by FIRST PAID FIRST SERVED.  Customer can put the item into Shopping Cart as long as no payment process is completed successfully.  When there is one customer who checkout by PayPal successfully and the data is sent to eShop for completion, error message will be shown if there is other customer who want to checkout the same item which is put into Shopping Cart previously.  Customer will be re-directed to My Cart page and there is a Red *** mark shown in the product name which means the quantity of the item becomes 0.