Pick up point
Address: (2024年12月2日開始搬至新地址 New address starting from 2 Dec 2024)
Office No. 1001, 10/F., Silvercord, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Open Time:(2022年2月6日開始回復正常營業時間 Normal business hours resuming from 6 Feb 2022)
- Pick up order 取貨
10:15am - 6:45pm (Every Sat, Sun and Public holidays day-off, please reserve a booking) (逢星期六、日及公眾假期休息,請提早預約) - General enquiries 回覆查詢
10:00am -7:00pm (Mon - Fri, Public Holidays OFF, online enquiry will be replied within 48 working hours) (星期一至五,公眾假期休息,文字查詢於48工作小時內回覆)
Contact Methods:
In order to protect customers and keep detail record for all transaction enquiry, Eco Ring eShop only accepts enquiry by WhatsApp message or email to specific mailbox. Phone enquiry will not be provided.
為更保障顧客,並將所有交易查詢作詳細記錄,由2021年9月20日起,Eco Ring網店只接受以WhatsApp文字訊息或電郵至指定郵箱的一切查詢,電話查詢將不會再提供服務。
*WhatsApp:852-9544 7177 (Please DO NOT call or contact by WhatsApp phone 請勿致電或以WhatsApp電話聯絡!)
*Enquiry on products and shopping 關於貨品查詢及購物流程: enquiry@ecoringhk.com
*Personal information protection policy and complaint 個人資料保護政策及投訴:info@ecoringhk.com
[Monday to Friday (public holidays off) and replies will be within 48 working hours 星期一至五,公眾假期休息,文字查詢於48工作小時內回覆]
**In order to speed up the reply, please provide product IF (the last 8/9 digits after "-" in the product name) for specific product enquiry.
為令回覆查詢更快,煩請顧客查詢指定貨品時,提供貨品編號 (貨品名稱中最後的位置以”-”符號分隔的8或9位數字)
**Enquiry will be replied in order so please DO NOT send multiple messages to avoid the speed of reply.
**No reply on authentication or price negotiation