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  • 2025.1.13-1.27 新年優惠 $10,000-$1,588 LN1588
  • 2025.1.13-1.27 新年優惠 $5,000-$668 LN668
  • 2025.1.13-1.27 新年優惠 $2,000-$228 LN228
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【\\2025第一彈// 1月迎新春優惠】
【\\2025 First Discount// January New Year Offer】


From January 13th to 27th, you can enjoy discounts when you spend a certain amount.
Limited discount codes, First come, first served!!

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買滿 HKD10,000 減 1,588【LN1588】:限定 60
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3) DPMS Category A Registrant (Registrant Name: Eco Ring Hong Kong Limited / Registration No. A-B-23-06-00433)


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