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About Us

Ecology + Ring = EcoRing

Eco Ring為一間於2001年5月成立的日本公司,專門收購及銷售各類二手名牌及能夠再利用的物品。於2010年進軍香港,現設有四間收購專門店,主力經營批發及透過各種網上銷售平台零售。Eco Ring在亞洲有多個據點,日本、香港、泰國、新加坡,銷售的貨品除了香港本地收購外,亦從各據點採購各類貨品,讓顧客可以有更多不同的選擇。

Eco Ring is a Japan company incorporated in May 2001. We buy and sell different kinds of second hand luxury items and reusable items. We entered Hong Kong in 2010 and now have 4 purchase shops. We focus on wholesales and E-Commerce. You can find Eco Ring in Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand and Singapore. Items sold in this e-Shop are not only bought locally but also from our companies in other countries in order to let customers have more choices.

日本為世上數一數二的二手名牌貨品市場,對二手貨品的銷售有著嚴格的法規。我們深明顧客最重視的是否正品,Eco Ring持有日本警察署發出的古物商許可證 (兵庫県公安委員会 631641800015),多年來在日本進行收購及銷售的經驗,讓我們的鑑定培訓得以不斷更新進步,所有收購的貨品均會由專業的鑑定士作鑑定。

Japan is one of the famous second hand luxury market in the world and have a strict regulation for the trading. We understand that customers concern most for the authenticity. Eco Ring has a license issued from Japan Police Department for trading of second hand items (Hyogo Prefectural Public Safety Commission 631641800015). We have years of experience on purchasing and selling which let us improve our training on authenticity. All items purchased are checked and graded by professional appraisers.

如同Eco Ring的logo和名稱一樣,Eco Ring就是以不同銷售渠道將收購到的貨品的價值延續。為讓顧客有更方便的方式選購心水貨品,我們開設了網店,除了提供定價銷售方式外,更加入香港網上消失已久的HKD1拍賣,顧客有機會以最低價中標。亦會提供限時優惠模式,顧客可以知道貨品下一次減價的價錢。一站式的選購及付款方式,幾個步驟就能購得心頭好。

Just like the logo and name of Eco Ring, we use different platforms to extend the values of items purchased. In order to let customers have a more convenient way to shop, we set up this e-Shop. Besides fix price selling, we provide HKD1 auction which disappeared in Hong Kong for a long time. Customers have a chance to win the item for the lowest price. We also provide limited time offer to let customer know what will be the next discounted price. One site for shopping and settling payment. Only few steps you can have your interested items. 

Eco Ring Hong Kong Limited已經於2023年6月12日取得貴金屬及寶石交易商註冊制度中的A類註冊 (註冊號碼:A-B-23-06-00433)。更多資料可以掃瞄以下二維碼。

Eco Ring Hong Kong Limited has been granted for the Category A registration under Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones Registration System (Registration No.: A-B-23-06-00433).  More information can be found from the below QR code.
